Thank you to all who attended, exhibited and presented at the 2022 Future Vehicle Expo.
It was a great success with some 1,500 people attending to view the wide range of electric vehicles and 450 people attending our three seminars featuring experts in electric vehicles, charging, smart vehicle technology and digital information technology in our vehicles.
A huge thanks to all who helped put on the event, to our supporters and especially to the Manningham Council for their sponsorship and support.
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Comments from the general public and car dealers highlighted the relaxed Expo atmosphere and that the council facilities were excellent especially noting the seminar room. It was also noted by the car dealers of the interest shown by the visitors as this was their first introduction to EV and hybrid vehicles. There was a strong desire by all to run the Expo again soon.
Congratulations to all.
Many thanks the Rotary Clubs in Manningham
For more information contact

Special thanks go to

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Proud supporter of the Future Vehicle Expo & Seminar Inner FM

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Proud supporter of the Future Vehicle Expo & Seminar ACE Filters

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Promoted by the Rotary Clubs in Manningham

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Promoted by Manningham Council

For any questions please feel free to email us